Made In Wales

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farfetch'd, farfetch'd. im a welsh pokemon.Farfetch'd - Standing at 2 foot and 7 inches Farfetch'd is perhaps the smallest Welshman in the world. We can see Farfetch'd is welsh because he carries his pet leek around with him. Farfetch'd weighs only 33 lbs (without the leek) which is lighter than your average Welshman.  While Farfetch'd has never publicly declared his love for his homeland, it is obvious when you see the twinkle in his eyes that he yearns for the rolling countryside of Snowdonia.



feeder - echo park released 23rd AprilFeeder - This two thirds Welsh band (Taka Hirose, far right, is Japanese) has recently enjoyed chart success with singles "Buck Rogers" and "Seven days in the Sun". These two songs come from the bands brilliant third album Echo Park which was released on the 23rd of April 2001.  The bands first release was the "Swim" EP which also saw the first release of fans favourite "Stereo World". Following the EP came a bloated and self indulgent first album "Polythene" (highlights - "high", "polythene girl" and "stereo world"). After some hard gigging in America the band released their second full album "Yesterday went to Soon" post production was performed by Grant Nicholas (centre) and the album was a much better representation of the type of music Feeder could produce. The summer of 2001 sees Feeder play at T in the Park and the Carling Festival.




it's not unusual...Tom Jones - The most famous Welshman in the entire universe, what more can I say?











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